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ATJ Campaign Bringing Justice Close to Michigan’s Under-privileged

Cullen McKinney

· Justice
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An accomplished Michigan trial attorney with expertise in multiple areas of civil litigation, Cullen McKinney has since 2009 served as the founding partner of (TNMD) Tanoury, Nauts, McKinney & Dwaihy, PLLC. In addition to his professional successes, Cullen McKinney is a member of the State Bar of Michigan.

The State Bar of Michigan has partnered with Michigan State Bar Foundation to administer the ATJ Campaign whose purpose is to boost civil legal aid programs across Michigan. The ATJ Campaign ensures more resources enable people in poverty to have easier access to the justice system. Michigan civil aid programs help residents to safeguard their livelihoods, homes, health as well as their families. Almost 2 million Michigan residents whose income is 125% below the federal poverty level are eligible to receive free civil legal aid. The Michigan legal community has been at the forefront of supporting this initiative considering the demand for civil legal services by the poor surpasses the available resources.

Programs taking part in the ATJ Campaign channel their support through the ATJ Fund whereby tax-deductible contributions to the fund are utilized in accordance with ATJ Campaign policies. By contributing to the ATJ Campaign, Michigan legal professionals provide support to 15 legal aid programs across the entire state. The ATJ Campaign both has short-term and long-term goals, with the latter plan of raising 5.3 million dollars per annum translating to approximately $126 per Michigan attorney.